Baez S, Pino M, Berrío M, Santamaría-García H, Sedeño L, García AM, Fittipaldi S, Ibáñez A. Corticostriatal signatures of schadenfreude: evidence from Huntington's disease. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry

Santamaría-García H, Baez S, García AM, Flichtentrei D, Prats M, Mastandueno R, Sigman M, Matallana D, Cetkovich M, Ibáñez A.Empathy for others' suffering and its mediators in mental health professionals. Sci Rep.

Parra MA, Mikulan E, Trujillo N, Sala SD, Lopera F, Manes F, Starr J, Ibanez A. Brain information sharing during visual short-term memory binding yields a memory biomarker for familial Alzheimer's disease. Curr Alzheimer Res

The extent to which these two phenotypic expressions are shared pathophysiological mechanisms remains unknown.

Torrente F, López P, Lischinsky A, Cetkovich-Bakmas M, Manes F Depressive symptoms and the role of affective temperament in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): A comparison with bipolar disorder.Journal of Affective Disorders

Birba A, Hesse E, Sedeño L, Mikulan EP, García MDC, Ávalos J, Adolfi F, Legaz A, Bekinschtein TA, Zimerman M, Parra M, García AM, Ibáñez A. Enhanced Working Memory Binding by Direct Electrical Stimulation of the Parietal Cortex. Front Aging Neurosci.

La memoria de trabajo de integración es un marcador preclínico de la enfermedad de Alzheimer que depende de regiones posteriores del cerebro. Working memory integration is a preclinical marker of Alzheimer's disease that relies on posterior regions of the brain

Baez S, Flichtentrei D, Prats M, Mastandueno R, García AM, Cetkovich M, Ibáñez A. Men, women…who cares? A population-based study on sex differences and gender roles in empathy and moral cognition. PLoS One

Dottori M, Sedeño L, Martorell Caro M, Alifano F, Hesse E, Mikulan E, García AM, Ruiz-Tagle A, Lillo P, Slachevsky A, Serrano C, Fraiman D, Ibanez A. Towards affordable biomarkers of frontotemporal dementia: A classification study via network's information sharing. Sci Rep.

Mikulan E, Bruzzone M, Serodio M, Sigman M, Bekinschtein T, García AM, Sedeño L, Ibáñez A. Time-order-errorsand duration ranges in the Episodic Temporal Generalization task. Sci Rep. 2017

Trujillo SP, Valencia S, Trujillo N, Ugarriza JE, Rodríguez MV, Rendón J, Pineda DA, López JD, Ibañez A, Parra MA. Atypical Modulations of N170 Component during Emotional Processing and Their Links to Social Behaviors in Ex-combatants. Front Hum Neurosci. 2017

Baez S, Herrera E, García AM, Manes F, Young L, Ibáñez A. Outcome-oriented moral evaluation in terrorists. Nature Human Behaviour 2017

Sedeño L, Piguet O, Abrevaya S, Desmaras H, García-Cordero I, Baez S, Alethia de la Fuente L, Reyes P, Tu S, Mogilner S, Lori N, Landin-Romero R, Matallana D, Slachevsky A, Torralva T, Chialvo D, Kumfor F, García AM, Manes F, Hodges JR, Ibanez A. Tackling variability: A multicenter study to provide a gold-standard network approach for frontotemporal dementia. Hum Brain Mapp

Yoris A, García AM, Traiber L, Santamaría-García H, Martorell M, Alifano F, Kichic R, Moser JS, Cetkovich M, Manes F, Ibáñez A, Sedeño L. The inner world of overactive monitoring: neural markers of interoception in obsessive-compulsivedisorder. Psychol Med. 2017