Gonzalez-Gadea ML, Ibanez A, Sigman M. Schadenfreude is higher in real-life situations compared to hypothetical scenarios. PLoS One. 2018 Oct 11;13(10):e0205595

  Results showed that schadenfreude was higher in the real situation than in the hypothetical one

García-Marco E, Morera Y, Beltrán D, de Vega M, Herrera E, Sedeño L, Ibáñez A & García AM (2018). Negation markers inhibit motor routines during typing of manual action verbs. Cognition

Subjects typed verbs denoting manual, non-manual, and non-motoric processes.

Baez, S., Herrera, E., García, A. M., Huepe, D., Santamaría-García, H., & Ibáñez, A. (2018). Increased moral condemnation of accidental harm in institutionalized adolescents. Sci Rep,

La deprivación social en adolescentes institucionalizados podría impactar en el neurodesarrollo de la teoría de la mente.

Moguilner S, García AM, Mikulan E, Hesse E, García-Cordero I, Melloni M, Cervetto S, Serrano C, Herrera E, Reyes P, Matallana D, Manes G, Ibáñez A & Sedeño L Weighted Symbolic Dependence Metric (wSDM) for fMRI resting-state connectivity: A multicentric validation for frontotemporal dementia

Hurley MJ, Deacon RMJ, Beyer K, Ioannou E, Ibáñez A, Teeling JL, Cogram P. The long-lived Octodon degus as a rodent drug discovery model for Alzheimer's and other age-related diseases. Pharmacol Ther. 2018

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a multifactorial progressive neurodegenerative disease.

Ibáñez, A., M. Zimerman, L. Sedeño, N. Lori, M. Rapacioli, J. F. Cardona, D. M. A. Suarez, E. Herrera, A. M. García and F. Manes. Early bilateral and massive compromise of the frontal lobes.NeuroImage: Clinical, 2018

The frontal lobes are one of the most complex brain structures involved in both domain-general and specific functions

Lopez PL, Torrente FM, Ciapponi A, Lischinsky AG, Cetkovich-Bakmas M, Rojas JI, Romano M, Manes FF. Cognitive-behavioural interventions for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults (Review) Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2018


Strejilevich, S., Vallejos, F., Bustin, J. How Argentina is training their mental health residents to face its Silver Tsunami?International Psychogeriatrics, 2018

How Argentina is training their mental health residents to face its Silver Tsunami? In low- and middle-income countries, there is an increase in the percentage of aging population similar to or greater than that of high-income countries (World Population Ageing 1950–2050, UN, 2001)  

Bertoux M, Flanagan EC, Hobbs M, Ruiz-Tagle A, Delgado C, Miranda M, Ibáñez A, Slachevsky A, Hornberger M. Structural Anatomical Investigation of Long-Term Memory Deficit in Behavioral Frontotemporal Dementia. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, vol. 62, no. 4, pp. 1887-1900, 2018

Morici JF, Miranda M, Gallo FT, Zanoni B, Bekinschtein P, Weisstaub NV 5-HT2a receptor in mPFC influences context-guided reconsolidation of object memory in perirhinal cortex. eLife 2018;7:e33746 doi: 10.7554/eLife.33746

Context-dependent memories may guide adaptive behavior relaying in previous experience while updating stored information through reconsolidation.

Gallo FT, Katche C, Morici F, Medina JH, Weisstaub NV Immediate Early Genes, Memory and Psychiatric Disorders: Focus on c-Fos, Egr1 and Arc. Front. Behav. Neurosci., 25 April 2018

Many psychiatric disorders, despite their specific characteristics, share deficits in the cognitive domain including executive functions, emotional control and memory.

Yoris A, Abrevaya S, Esteves S, Salamone P, Lori N, Martorell M, Legaz A, Alifano F, Petroni A, Sánchez R, Sedeño L, García AM, Ibáñez A. Multilevel convergence of interoceptive impairments in hypertension: New evidence of disrupted body-brain interactions.