Pietto M, Parra MA, Trujillo N, Flores F, García AM, Bustin J, Richly P, Manes F, Lopera F, Ibáñez A, Baez S. Behavioral and Electrophysiological Correlates of Memory Binding Deficits in Patients at Different Risk Levels for Alzheimer's Disease. J Alzheimers Dis.2016

Behavioral and electrophysiological corrrelates of memory binding deficits

Behavioral and electrophysiological corrrelates of memory binding deficits

Pietto M, Parra MA, Trujillo N, Flores F, García AM, Bustin J, Richly P, Manes F, Lopera F, Ibáñez A, Baez S.

Behavioral and Electrophysiological Correlates of Memory Binding Deficits in Patients at Different Risk Levels for Alzheimer's Disease

(Correlatos neurocognitivos de la memoria de integración en pacientes con diferentes niveles de riesgo de enfermedad de Alzheimer)

J Alzheimers Dis. 2016


En este estudio comparamos los correlatos neurocognitivos de la memoria de integración visual en pacientes con deterioro cognitivo leve con Alzheimer esporádico y genético (mutación E280A de presenilina-1). Respecto a controles, ambos grupos de pacientes presentaron un rendimiento más bajo en la tarea, y una reducción de la actividad cortical frontal y parieto-occipital. Esta tarea y sus correlatos neurales resultaron útiles para la detección temprana de la enfermedad y para diferenciar grados de probabilidad de desarrollar la misma.

In this study we compared the neurocognitive correlates of visual integration memory in patients with mild cognitive impairment with sporadic and genetic Alzheimer's (presenilin-1 mutation E280A). Regarding controls, both groups of patients presented a lower performance in the task, and a reduction of frontal and parieto-occipital cortical activity. This task and its neural correlates were useful for the early detection of the disease and to differentiate degrees of probability of developing it.


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