Behavioral Insight group for social protection and health policies: A lifespan approach

We are pleased to announce the awarding of the IDB project entitled "Behavioral Insight group for social protection and health policies: A lifespan approach". The project will develop for 3 years, three Regional Public Goods (BPR) that are critical for regional development in relevant health issues. The first priority (BPR 1) of the project will be the development of a pioneering regional institution dedicated to the application of behavioral insights to health. BPR 2 will consist of the design of an intervention program to measure and improve cognition and language in children in vulnerable conditions. Finally, BPR 3 will consist of the expansion of a multilevel platform for accurate diagnosis and research on dementia and pathological aging. These three BPRs will promote the scalable expansion of the project and the development of parallel initiatives to maximize their impact.


The INECO Foundation (Argentina) will be the executing agency of the Project. In addition, government agencies (Ministry of Health and Education of Argentina, Ministry of Health of Chile, Ministry of Social Development of Uruguay) and various centers (Argentina: Institute of Cognitive and Translational Neuroscience, INCYT; Chile: Center for Social and Cognitive Neuroscience , Adolfo Ibáñez University, Geroscience Center for Brain Health and Metabolism, Uruguay: CIBPsi, University of the Republic, Uruguayan Center for Molecular Imaging-CUDIM). The project will also include the participation of external groups (Colombia: Neuroscience Group, Universidad de Antioquia, Ecuador: Neuromedicenter, Peru: Peruvian Institute of Neurosciences).



Congratulations to all participating institutions for having trusted this initiative!