07-2018. La Mentee Meravigliosa. Schadenfreude: gioia per le disgrazie altrui.  Info

07-2018. Radio Vorterix. The peace process in Colombia.  Info

07-2018. Cronica Web. An Argentine scientist works on the reintegration of ex-guerrillas and paramilitaries in Colombia. Info

07-2018. Aimdigital. All demented. Info

06-2018. El terrorista pasa por 'aprendizaje de la violencia', dice el neurocientífico que estudió guerrilleros.

06-2018.  Agencia CyTA. Online. Argentine scientist works on a project to improve the reintegration of former guerrillas and paramilitaries in Colombia . Info

05-2018- La Nacion Journal. They link the neurosciences with public policies   .  Info

05-2018. Perfil Journal. Manes presented an institute to improve public policies from the neurosciences. Info

05-2018 Infobae Journal.  Along with Francisco de Narváez and Juan Manuel Urtubey, Facundo Manes launched a science and policy institute. Info

05-2018 Scientific America Colombia after violence.  Info

04-2018 Blog IADB. Can We Anticipate The Silent Tsunami Of Dementia In Latin America? Info

04-2018 Clarin journal.  It amazes scientists: she lacks 90% of the frontal cortex of the brain, but can walk and talk


04-2018 La Nacion Journal. Science: eight years old, part of the brain is missing and his case challenges doctors. Info

03-2018 Infobae. Dementias in elderly people in Latin America will quadruple by the year 2050. Info

02-2018 Quiunidun E-magazine. Motor training improves the comprehension of texts in which action verbs appear.  Info

01-2018  Clarin Journal. The impact of technology on memory. Info

01-2018. UAI Web Superelderly:  The new trend in old people Info

12-2017. La voz   Research of the LPEN-INCYT chosen among the 10 Argentine scientific advances of the year  Info

12-2017. La Nacion journal.  Researchers develop a rapid, accurate and economic test to detect Parkinson's in early stages.  Info

11-2017. Oxford University Press A neurocognitive view on the dimensions of Schadenfreude and envy. Info

10-2017. La Nacion Journal. Envy and pleasure from the suffering of others may be early markers of a type of dementia.  Info

10-2017 Si San Juan.  Informative Service. The technological revolution of knowledge is very accelerated and before we know it, it infiltrates our lives in a massive way. Info

10-2017. Diario de Cuyo Journal. Technology: they say that use should be limited in children  Info

10-2017. Radio Nacional- What do we talk when we talk about Tango Brain.  Info

09-2017 La Ultima Noticia Journal. Researchers discover area of the brain that rejoices in the misfortune of others. Info

09-2017. El Cronista journal IADB and Ineco will study the conduct to elaborate public policies   Info

08-2017 La Nacion journal. Learning from the big: It's never too late to start over .  Info

08-2017 Web page UAI.  CSCN UAI study on terrorists hits international media . Info07-2017 El Pais, Uruguay. In the head of terror. Info

07-2017 La Nacion journal.  Argentine scientists unravel the moral judgment of terrorists and identify how to detect frontotemporal dementia. Info

06-2017 La Nacion +.  TV. Moral evaluation in terrorist. Info

06-2017 Perfil journal. Conicet scientists reveal moral code of terrorists Info

06-2017 Infobae journal. A scientific study uncovered a key abnormal pattern in the moral judgments of terrorists. Info

06-2017 Nature Human Behaviour.  Understanding and countering terrorism. Info

06-2017 Dennik Journal. Moral evaluation in terrorist. Info

06-2017 La Nacion +.  TV. Como piensa un terrorista?. Info

06-2017 Nature Human Behaviour.  Understanding and countering terrorism. Info

06-2017 Dennik Diario. Moral evaluation in terrorist. Info

06-2017 BBC Web.  Terrorists' moral judgment probed in psychology test. Info

06-2017 Popular Cience Web.  Scientists are trying to get inside the mind of a terrorist. Info

06-2017 Seeker Web. Study of Convicted Terrorists Reveals Deviant Moral Judgment. Info

06-2017 Mail on line Web.  Inside the mind of a terrorist: Radicals justify violent actions by focusing only on the end result, study claims. Info
06-2017 Pacific Standard Web. For Terrorists, morality has a different meaning. Info

06-2017 Researchgate Web. The moral judgement of terrorists Info

06-2017 International Bussines Time UK Web Terrorism psychology: How terrorists justify carrying out atrocities to themselves. Info

06-2017  Agencia Iberoamericana para la difusión de la ciencia y la tecnologia Una investigación profundiza en los patrones cognitivos anormales de los terroristas Info

06-2017 Videnskab dk Web Estudio de los terroristas, por que matan sin angustia moral. Info

06-2017 The British Pyschological Society.  On psychological tests comparing 66 terrorists with controls, one key difference stood out.  Info

06-2017 Diario de Cuyo. Debemos desarrollar una mirada informada, crítica y comprometida. Info

06-2017 La Segunda. Los terroristas no parecen sicopatas sino mas bien, sociopatas. Info

06-2017. El Mercurio de Antofagasta La gente no es conciente de su estado corporal interno. Info

06-2017. El Austral. La gente no es conciente de su estado corporal interno. Info

06-2017. El Llanquihue.La gente no es conciente de su estado corporal interno. Info

06-2017. El Austral de Osorno. La gente no es conciente de su estado corporal interno. Info

06-2017. El Mercurio de Valparaiso. La gente no es conciente de su estado corporal interno. Info

05-2017 Publico. Pt. Web Los terroristas tienen una distorcion del juicio moral.  Info

05-2017. Web Le Monde. Quand le cerveau révèle une incroyable capacité de résilience Info

06-2017 La Nacion +.  TV. Moral evaluation in terrorist. Info

06-2017 Nature Human Behaviour.  Understanding and countering terrorism. Info

06-2017 Dennik Journal. Moral evaluation in terrorist. Info

06-2017 BBC Web.  Terrorists' moral judgment probed in psychology test. Info

06-2017 Popular Cience Web.  Scientists are trying to get inside the mind of a terrorist. Info

06-2017 Seeker Web. Study of Convicted Terrorists Reveals Deviant Moral Judgment. Info

06-2017 Mail on line Web.  Inside the mind of a terrorist: Radicals justify violent actions by focusing only on the end result, study claims. Info
06-2017 Pacific Standard Web. For Terrorists, morality has a different meaning. Info

06-2017 Researchgate Web. The moral judgement of terrorists Info

06-2017 International Bussines Time UK Web Terrorism psychology: How terrorists justify carrying out atrocities to themselves. Info

06-2017  Agencia Iberoamericana para la difusión de la ciencia y la tecnología Una investigación profundiza en los patrones cognitivos anormales de los terroristas Info

06-2017 Videnskab dk Web Investigation of terrorists: therefore, they kill without moral distress. Info

06-2017 The British Pyschological Society.  On psychological tests comparing 66 terrorists with controls, one key difference stood out.  Info0

06-2017 Diario de Cuyo journal. We must develop an informed, critical and committed view. Info

06-2017 La Segunda Journal. Terrorists do not look like psychopaths but rather sociopaths. Info

06-2017. El Mercurio de Antofagasta journal. People are not aware of their internal body state. Info

06-2017. El Austral journal. People are not aware of their internal body state. Info

06-2017. El Llanquihue journal. People are not aware of their internal body state. Info

06-2017. El Austral de Osorno journal. People are not aware of their internal body state. Info

06-2017. El Mercurio de Valparaiso journal. People are not aware of their internal body state . Info

05-2017  Publico. Pt. Web Los terroristas tienen una distorcion del juicio moral.  Info

05-2017. Web Le Monde. Quand le cerveau révèle une incroyable capacité de résilience Info

02-2017. Web Conicet.  Neurociencias cognitivas aplicadas al sector del conocimiento Info

02-2017. La Nacion Journal. Demencias en la vejez: pequeños cambios pueden ayudar a reducir el riesgo. Info

02-2017. El Tiempo Journal- El riesgo de Demencia se prodria reducir. Info12-2016. Conversations. La Nacion Journal. Info

11-2016. La Nacion journal. Neurosciences: revelation of the mysteries of a successful negotiation. Info

11-2016. Ediciones Medicas. Reduce brain resonance processing time by half. Info

11-2016. El Mostrador. Findings on brain connectivity will help patients with dementia- Info

11-2016. Diario La Segunda. No more than 25% of people develop very fast and successful strategies of negotiation. Info.

11-2016. Diario Clarin. El médico digital:crecen los servicios online para poder hacer consultas de salud desde casa. Info

10-2016. Conicet. Insertion of neuroscience in clinical studies. Info

09-2016 La provincia journal. A neuroscientist  "sanjuanino" who works with  Facundo Manes will speak in San Juan.  Info

09-2016  La Provincia  journal. A Sanjuanino detected in milliseconds racial bias Info

09-2016. Mivozradio.com.  What is the role of emotions in cardiac signals?  Info

09-2016  Agencia Cyta. Brings direct evidence of the role of interocetion in processing emotions.  Info

08-2016. Popular journal.  The nature of solidarity.  Info

08-2016 Clarin journal. The bilingual brain: a superbrain? Info

08-2016. La Nacion journal.  Negative effects on the cognitive area.  Info

07-2016. La Segunda.  Your brain needs 170 milliseconds to detect racist inclinations. Info

07-2016. La Nacion Journal.  Behind the mystery of meditation.  Info

07-2016. La Nacion Journal.  The top 10 new and unmissable attractions of Tecnopolis. Info

07-2016. Noticias y Protagonistas.  Dr. Agustin Ibañez spoke about the studies made about the relationship between the heart and brain. Info