Translation under the line of convergence

La traducción bajo la línea de la convergencia

La traducción bajo la línea de la convergencia

García, A. M. & Arrizabalaga, M.I. (eds.) (2013).

La traducción bajo la línea de la convergencia.

Córdoba: Facultad de Lenguas de la UNC. 300 páges. ISBN: 978-987- 1742-49- 3.

This volume is an undertaking of the Translation Department of the Research Center of the Faculty of Languages of the National University of Cordoba. The contributions that are collected in it were initially communications made during the III International Conferences of Translation, held in August 2012 in the city of Córdoba (Argentina).

The editors propose an interdisciplinary view of translation, from the convergence of different areas of knowledge, in the light of an open epistemology, as Edgar Morin says. With this volume, we wanted to tax the potential of constellation and solidarity of knowledge, and alluding to the interdisciplinary character of different places of enunciation, within the sphere of Translation