New Approaches to Cognition: Rediscovering the dynamics of action, intention and intersubjectivity

nuevosenfoques libro

nuevosenfoques libro

Nuevos Enfoques de la Cognición: Redescubriendo la dinámica de la acción, la intención y la intersubjetividad

Ibáñez, A, Cosmelli, D. (2007).

Universidad Diego Portales/Colección Psicología. Chile. 248 ps. ISBN: 978-956-314-005-7

Abstract: Diego Cosmelli and Agustín Ibáñez, the editors of this book, have collected eight essays that contribute "new approaches" to the study of cognition. Among the authors we find psychologists, philosophers, sociologists and physicists who, from their specific knowledge, reflect attentively and exhaustively on the various aspects of the subject in question. This compilation opens a path in the field of psychology that offers ignored nuances for such an old discussion with current and necessary.