- IV Congreso Nacional E Internacional De Neurociencias Y Neuropsicología. Colombia Ago 2018. Info
- Towards neurocognitive markers of neurodegenerative conditions: From brain atrophy networks to machine learning. Seminario IMAL Jul 2018 Info
- Que son las Neurociencias. Conference. Jul 2018
- Novel Markers of Cognitive Decline. 2nd Pan American Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Congress. Jun 2018
- The mind in the wild: Intercognition as the next frontier for social neuroscience. XI Congreso Nacional y XII Seminario Internacional de Neurociencias. Apr 2018
- Towards neurocognitive markers of neurodegenerative conditions: From brain atrophy networks to machine learning. Gerotalks Universidad de Chile. Dec.2017
- X International Conference: Social Neuroscience A Network Between Science And Culture? Info Chile October 2017
- "The future of innovation based on cognitive neurosciences" Welfare and Technology Conference. Conicet. Oct 2017
- Present and future of dementias in Latin America. II Mental Health Day: Updates on Dementias. Adolfo Ibañez University, Chile.Oct 2017
- Social Neuroscience: A network between science and culture ?. X International seminar on learning, education and neurosciences. University of Chile. Oct 2017
- IV Conference on Economic Sciences. Competencies for a world in transformation. Universidad Catolica de Cuyo. Sep 2017
- “The Neuroscience of Body, Emotion, and Social Context Interactions in Neuropsychiatry” organizada por el Institute of Advanced Studies de la Università Di Bologna. Confernecia Internacional. Julio 2017
- What are neurosciences? Speaker Escuela de la Orientacion Lacaniana June 2017
- ¿Pero en serio… Que pueden aportar las neurociencias a la educación?". Educando al Cerebro. Cordoba 2017. -
- Ibáñez, A. Social neuroscience: a network of science and culture? . Magisterial conference. September 2016 Flacso Mexico
- Ibáñez, A. Social neuroscience in neurological and psychiatric disorders. Seminar on education, technology and neuroscience. September 2016 Universidad Nacional de San Juan
- Ibáñez, A. Social neuroscience in neurological and psychiatric disorders. Seminar on education, technology and neuroscience. September 2016 Universidad Nacional de San Juan
- García,A.M, Adolfi,F, Hesse,E, Mikulan,E, Sedeño,L, Ibáñez, A. Time to face language: Face-related words trigger ultra-rapid activity in the right fusiform gyrus. 18th IOP World Congress Habana, Cuba from August 31 to September 4, 2016
- García,AM, Carrillo,F, Orozco-Arroyave,J.R, Trujillo,N, Vargas Bonilla,J.F, Nöth,E, Sigman,M z Slezak,D.F, Ibáñez,A, Cecchi G.A. How language flows when movements don’t: An automated analysis of spontaneous discourse in Parkinson’s disease. 18th IOP World Congress Habana, Cuba from August 31 to September 4, 2016
- García,A,M. Sedeño,L, Trujillo,N, Bocanegra,Y, Gomez,D, Pineda,D, Villegas,A, Arias,W, Ibáñez, A. Language deficits as a preclinical window into Parkinson’s disease: Evidence from asymptomatic parkin and dardarin mutation carriers. 18th IOP World Congress Habana, Cuba from August 31 to September 4, 2016
- García-Cordero, I, Sedeño,L, de la Fuente, L, Forno, Ferrari, G, Rodriguez, C, Torralva, T, Baez, S, Yoris, A, Esteve, S, Melloni, M, Salamone, P, Manes, F, García, AM, IbañezA., The functional neuroanatomical organization of interoceptive dimensions: Multimodal evidence from neurodegeneration and stroke. Poster. 18th IOP World Congress Habana, Cuba from August 31 to September 4, 2016
- Melloni, M, Billeke, P.Baez,S, Hesse, E, de la Fuente, L, Forno, G, Birba,A, García Cordero, I Sigman, M, Huepe, D, Slachevsky, A, Manes, F, García, AM, Sedeño,L, Ibáñez,A. Do you have a strategy? Multimodal brain signatures of social bargaining in neurodegeneration and frontal stroke. Poster. 18th IOP World Congress Habana, Cuba from August 31 to September 4, 2016
- Sedeño,L, García,AM, Fittipaldi,S, Abrevaya,S, García-Cordero,I Baez,S, de la Fuente,L, Torralva,T, Ibáñez, A. Beyond variability: Unveiling brain connectivity alterations in frontotemporal dementia. 18th IOP World Congress Habana, Cuba from August 31 to September 4, 2016
- Yoris, A. García,AM, Kichic, R Moser,J, Fittipaldi, S, Cetkovich, M, Manes, F, Ibáñez,A, Sedeño,L. The inner world of overactive monitoring: neural markers of interoception in OCD.Poster. 18th IOP World Congress Habana, Cuba from August 31 to September 4, 2016
- Abrevaya,S, Sedeño,L, Fittipaldi,S, Ibáñez,S, García,AM. The road less traveled: Alternative pathways for action-verb processing in Parkinson’s disease. Poster. 18th IOP World Congress Habana, Cuba from August 31 to September 4, 2016
- Baez,S, Herrera,E, Manes,F, Young,L, Ibanez,A. Are extremist terrorists characterized by aberrant moral judgment?. 18th IOP World Congress Habana, Cuba from August 31 to September 4, 2016
- Baez, S Santamaria-García,H, Orozco,J, Fittipaldi,S, García,AM, Pino,M, Ibañez, A. Reduced malicious pleasure in Huntington's disease families. 18th IOP World Congress Habana, Cuba from August 31 to September 4, 2016
- Ibañez, A. Bekinshtein, Manes, F. Sigman, M. 20 Annual Meeting of the Association for the scientific study of consciusness. Buenos Aires, Junio 2016. Organizer.
- Hesse, E., Mikulan, E., Decety, J., Sigman, M., Garcia, M.C., Silva, W., Ciraolo, C., Vaucheret, E., Baglivo, F., Huepe, D., Lopez, V., Manes, F., Bekinschtein, T., Ibanez, A.Congreso: Early detection of intentional harm in the human amygdala. Póster - World Congress of Neurology (XXII World Congress of Neurology, Santiago de Chile) Santigo de Chile (Chile) - 31/10 al 5/11
- Hesse, E, Mikulan, E. Decety, J., Sigman, M., Garcia, M.C., Silva, W., Ciraolo, C., Vaucheret, E., Baglivo, F., Huepe, D., Lopez, V., Manes, F., Bekinschtein, T., Ibanez, A Poster: Early detection of intentional harm in the human amygdala. Póster - Society for Social Neuroscience (S4SN 2015 Annual Meeting) - Chicago (Estados Unidos) - 16/10/2015.
- García, A. M., Bocanegra, y., Pineda, D., Buriticá, o., Villegas, A., Lopera, F., Gómez, D., Arias, C., Cardona, J. F., Trujillo, N. e Ibáñez, A. Poster: Syntax, action verbs, and nouns in Parkinson’s disease: Dissociability, progression and executive influences. XXII World Congress of Neurology. Santiago, Chile.Del October 30 to November
- S Báez, Jp Morales, , F Manes , A Ibañez. Conferencia: Orbitofrontal and limbic signatures of harmful action evaluation: evidence from frontotemporal dementia. 17th International Conference on Philosophy, Psychiatry and Psychology: Why do humans become mentally ill? Anthropological, biological and cultural vulnerabilities of mental illness", Frutillar, Chile, 29-31-October 2015.
- Ibañez, A. Body neuroscience conference , entitled Neuroscience Body , Emotion and Interactions of the social context in neuropsychiatry. Activity in the Seminar in Neuroscience , Friday August 7, 2015 ; in the auditorium of Chile EmpreUdeC
- García, A.M.; Bocanegra, Y.; Pineda, D., Buriticá, O.; Villegas, A.; Lopera, F.; Gómez, D.; Arias, C.; Cardona, J. F. ; Trujillo, N.; Ibañez, A. The interplay of linguistic and executive deficits in Parkinson´s disease. XV Meeting and IV AACC International Meeting to be held during 26 to 28 August 2015 in the city of San Miguel de Tucumán (Tucumán, Argentina)